Thursday, August 13, 2009

Taylor had a great Thursday. No news to report other than that brave girl's BIG smile. I posted a picture of Taylor with her girlfriends Pilar and Elena. Pilar and Elena also recently cut more than 10 inches of their hair to donate to Locks of Love. I hope everyone enjoys the BIG smiles in this picture as much as I do.


  1. Hi Taylor,
    What a great picture of you with your friends, it looks like you guys are having a great time. Glad to hear you are home and that glad to see that Crazy Carl gets some big hugs from you.... Those other kitty's were VERY cute! Stay strong and keep up the good work. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We love you sweetie!

    Your family in Oregon,

  2. What a cute picture!!! It looks like you are having fun with your friends. I bet you can't wait for your brothers to get back!!! I hope that they are being nice to you. I am getting ready to drop off my oldest son to college tomorrow. I will be back for all of next week and would love to come and see you before I have to go back to school and get ready for my new second graders. Let me know when a good time to visit is, ok? Glad to hear that you are getting better and better every day!!!! I knew you were a strong cookie.

    Love, Mrs. Butler

  3. Cute smile! Cute kittens! Cute hat! Cute friends! Cute girl! Thank goodness you are as TOUGH as you are CUTE! Keep up the great work of getting yourself really healthy.

    Much love,
    Mrs. Axtell

  4. Hi Taylor, so glad you are home and that you finished the treatment, you are so strong!, God Loves You! and I am praying for you every day, lots of kiss and hogs, and God Bless you too. Ita.
